Step 1: Forget to take a family picture until the very last possible minute leaving yourself with the conundrum of whether you will be sending Christmas cards, the also appropriate Japanese-style new years card, or possibly even Valentine's Day cards.
Step 2: Decide to do a Christmas card and realize you don't have any decent clothes for the kids to wear in a picture. Also, they all need haircuts.
Step 3: Waste three days trying to decide whether to take them to get haircuts.
Step 4: Decide not to.
Step 5: Manage to pull together passable outfits and take the picture.
Step 6: Surprise yourself by taking a decent one.
Step 7: Post all the awesome outtakes on Facebook.
Step 8: Search online for the cheapest possible photo card.
Step 9: Get distracted by a toddler who needs to use the potty and forget about ordering the cards. For three days.
Step 10: Remember you were trying to order cards but realize you forget where you saved the picture.
Step 11: Get distracted by a potty-training toddler again and wonder if he will be in college before he figures it out.
Step 12: Find a coupon for ordering cards online and remember you still haven't ordered them.
Step 13: Get hung up on whether you will wish people merry Christmases or happy holidays.
Step 14: Make the decision based on the color of the graphic and go with the one that clashes least with your kids' mismatched outfits.
Step 14 1/2: Wonder what happened to Joy, Love and Peace, and question whether such things ever existed. (BTW, this is from the card we sent last year since I haven't gotten around to ordering them this year). |
Step 15: Place the order and then do nothing for the next several days while you wait for the cards to arrive. Sure, you could go to the post office and buy some nice Christmas stamps. You could even find and update your address book while you wait. You do none of these things.
Step 16: Once the cards arrive, open the box and admire your handiwork. Then place the box in the corner of your desk and forget about it for a couple of weeks. Ignore that nagging sensation that you forgot to do something.
Step 17: Write a blog post about writing Christmas cards. Find it funny that this doesn't motivate you to actually write them.
Step 18: Wait a few days. Move up two levels on Candy Crush.
Step 19: Give in to the guilt and decide to start working on the cards.
Step 10: Get distracted by a Love It or List It marathon and do nothing.
Step 21: Sit down to work on the cards and realize you've lost your address book. (Who are we kidding? The last time you had an address book, you were just out of college. After that, you had the information in your computer, but that was when you lived in Japan, and you didn't bring that computer with you when you moved. What you're actually missing is the stack of cards from last year that you saved in order to send out cards this year.)
Step 22: Proceed to track down the addresses of everyone you can't remember by searching for them on or calling your mom.
Step 23: Spend at least 15 minutes being totally creeped out by how easy it is to find so much personal info about family and friends online.
Step 24: And an entire day bummed that even though you are an adult your mom is STILL more organized than you are.
Step 25: Once you have the addresses, obsess about whether your handwriting is neat enough to address the cards by hand.
Step 26: Decide it's not but be too lazy to figure out how to do this on the computer.
Step 27: Have an internal debate about whether you want to address people as Mr. and Mrs., Family, or simply by name.
Step 28: Decide that you'd rather not offend anyone by using the wrong title and address the envelopes with no titles at all thereby potentially offending everyone.
Step 29: Write a brief note on every dang card even though you said you weren't going to do that this year.
Step 30: Repeat Step 25, only this time obsess about your writing on the backs of the cards. Hear your mother's voice in your head telling you to write neater and eventually find it impossible to write anything at all.
Step 31: Take a break to look at Facebook and check if anyone has been reading your blog post about writing Christmas cards. Worry that maybe you're the only one who has this much trouble writing Christmas cards.
Step 32: Try to bribe your son into licking shut all the envelopes.
Step 33: Fail.
Step 34: Tell him this is one of the ways he can help you with Santa's job. Convince him to seal a few but quickly send him off to do something else when he starts devising other ways to get the envelopes wet.
Step 35: Notice that 6 of the 10 envelopes he licked before you fired him didn't seal completely anyway and ponder how you can improve the seal.
Step 36: Become temporarily grossed out by the possibilities.
Step 37: Lick all the envelopes yourself, quickly and without swallowing.
Step 38: Wonder where you put your address labels.
Step 39: Find them and realize they only have your name on them.
Step 40: Wonder whether it's appropriate to use an address label with only one person's name for a card from the whole family.
Step 41: Decide you really don't care as long as you don't have to write or lick anymore.
Step 42: Realize you also can't find your stamps and wonder why in the world they aren't with the address labels.
Step 43: Look everywhere for them.
Step 44: Find some old, ugly "Forever" stamps and decide they're as good as any.
Step 45: Wonder if your international stamps are still good.
Step 46: Go online and discover that international postage has gone up by 10 cents again. WTH?
Step 47: Dig through your drawers to see if you have any 10 cent stamps lying around.
Step 48: Discover you don't and realize you're going to have to go to the post office anyway.
Step 49: Give up in defeat and spend the next two hours watching reruns of
The Big Bang Theory.
Step 50: Pull yourself together and sit down for the final haul.
Step 51: Write, lick, and stick until every last one of the ragtag bunch of cards is done.
Step 52: Put the finished cards in the car to take to the post office.
Step 53: Forget about them for a couple of more days.
Step 54: Finally remember to mail them when you go to buy 10 cent stamps.
Step 55: Stamp the last of the international cards and drop them in the mail slot on December 24th (if you're lucky).
Step 56: Have serious doubts about whether any of that was really worth it.
Step 57: Realize you forgot to stamp a few when they show up in your mailbox briefly tricking you into thinking you've actually received a Christmas card.
Step 58: Ditto the cards that had the wrong address on them.
Step 59: Vow never to send Christmas cards again and throw away your address list.
Step 60: Go through the exact same process approximately 12 months later.