Number of ....
Years it took to finish: 8
(Average time to degree in my field: 10 years)
Times I Thought I was Finished: 3
Dissertation Revisions: 5
Births: 3
Pounds in Total Birth Weight: 27
Months Spent Breast-feeding While Studying/Writing/Teaching: 36
Times My Dissertation Adviser Told Me to "Quit Worrying about Funding and Just Write My Dissertation": 10 (at least)
Courses Taught: 19
Relocations: 6
Residences: 5
Countries: 2
International Flights with Small Children: 12
Suitcases Carried Back and Forth: 7 (plus 23 boxes when we moved back "for good")
Hospitalizations: 9
Total Days in Hospital: 25
Major Surgeries: 6
Unwanted Diagnoses: 5
Peditricians: 7
And after all that,
The Number of Sane Adults in My Household Today: 0
Congratulations on finishing and your sanity will surely return at some point. How many years until your youngest goes to college? Jk! :-)