Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sometimes Repression Really IS the Way to Go

A couple of days after the defense, a friend of mine had a party in my honor (thank you!). She was kind enough to have a piñata for the kids.

A cute unicorn piñata:

I didn't hit the piñata. It was for the kids, after all.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to take out my many years of adviser frustration on it. In my mind, I saw myself mercilessly beating the poor thing to a pulp, inadvertently crushing the goodies inside while tiny pairs of eyes looked on in horror.

I knew I definitely would not be a good paper-mâché-pounding role model.

Fortunately, one of the kids did this:

And somehow, I felt much, much better.


FMBMC said...

Watching kids beat the silly snot out of a Dora pinata at my kids' birthday party was the highlight of the whole day for me.

I bet if you could send me a picture of your adviser I could make a pinata head!

Mom on the Edge said...

@FMBMC, I'm good. It's amazing how cathartic unwarranted abuse on pink paper unicorns can cleanse the soul.