Monday, March 25, 2013

Heaven Help Us

Easter is coming. You know what that means.

Easter clothes.

I should tell you up front that I have always hated Easter clothes. Always. Dresses and tights. Pastel colors. White shoes. The hat (dear God, the hat). The frilly gloves. Even now I get a little nauseous thinking about those outfits--especially the ones I wore during my awkward pre-teen years!

It seems Pink P and I don't quite feel the same about Easter. She loves Easter clothes. Adores them. So much so that she absolutely must go Easter dress shopping with me. It appears the days of blissfully choosing her clothes are over.

So, on Saturday, we reluctantly and despondently enthusiastically set out to find an Easter dress. At the first store, we made our way through several racks of dresses before Pink P found one that met her high standards. It nearly gave me a panic attack.  I mean, look at it:

Why do they even make dresses like this in her size? Are they trying to kill unsuspecting moms like me?

I tried redirecting Pink. "Here's a good one," I said, pulling an admittedly toddler-esque dress off the rack.

Pink would have nothing to do with it. She gave me a slight but clear shake of her head. "Are you sure?" I asked, enthusiastically. "Look, it has flowers!!"

"Uh-uh," she replied, more forcefully this time. Suddenly, I could imagine exactly what her teenage years were going to look like.

In the end, we left the store with this one. A good compromise, I thought. Especially since it didn't make my stomach tighten and bring tears to my eyes.

As we walked out of the store, Pink P said, "I want the other dress, the one Grandma showed me." Drat! I was hoping she'd forgotten about that one. "Okay," I said, "We'll go look," thinking, of course, that they'd all be gone. I'd waited long enough to go dress shopping, after all.

I was right. When we got to the second store, they only had a few of the dresses left, and all three of them were in her size. All three. Since Grandma had told Pink it was the perfect dress, I had no choice. 

So, for now, we have two dresses and a little less than a week to decide which one will become the dress. Here's hoping I can convince Pink P to love the more conservative one! I know I need to get over it, but I'm just not ready for her to grow up.

Fortunately, some things never change. 

What's not to love about matching big brother/toddler shirts and Easter ties?

PS: Look what I found when I was going through the pictures I took for this post. Apparently Stow has figured out how to take pictures of himself. Which reminds me: if you get a random face time request from me, just ignore it. Stow's particularly fond of this feature on my phone. Besides knowing how to work my phone better than I do, Stow has also perfected the art of turning door knobs, scaling baby gates, and standing on counters and tables.

Heaven help us!


  1. We both know she's going to end up wearing the one with sequins.

    My little fashionista has been wearing sleeveless spring dresses (with winter tights, so classy) to church for several weeks now, garnering me not so subtle comments about dressing her appropriately (from a father of all boys). The way I look at it, she's still wearing her winter coat, and they keep the sanctuary so stinkin' warm she might as well wear them. And if by some miracle she actually does get cold, well then next time she won't fight me on the sweater.

  2. WOW! I can't imagine a litle girl wearing that first pink dress!

  3. Please explain to the French girl what are "Easter clothes". Are they special clothes for attending Easter Mass ?
    Also, your little boy is very cute.

    1. Yes, Easter clothes are special dress clothes wear to church on Easter Sunday. They are usually dressier than what we wear on other Sundays. When I was a kid, I often had to wear a hat and gloves with the dress. Easter is also usually the first time we break out our spring clothing.

    2. Mental note: call Moe's parents to get copies of said photos...

  4. I'll do face time with that cute boy any time!

  5. Shopping with the kids can always be an adventure. We went to Berlington Coat Factory this weekend for some new spring clothes. The girls found some really cute outfits, and they had some adorable dresses. I love the discounts they have there. We saved a lot of money everything.
