Saturday, March 16, 2013

Recap: Wait. What?!?

And then suddenly, I was so busy I barely had time to sleep. There comes a point in every semester where the amount of work far exceeds the amount of time I have to do it. Then there's the fact that every spring I am forced to go have the pleasure of going on the academic job market. So, yeah, this is when I stop sleeping, and also when I start to forget where I put things or what day it is.

In other words, it's a perfect time for a recap! Click on the titles to follow the links.

Since the last recap (gasp!) three weeks ago, Stow illustrated several posts. In "Back by Popular Demand" he created another made-for-Mom-in-Two-Culture-readers comic strip. It's not profound, but his sense of time and space are pretty amazing for an 8 year-old.

Because Sky seemed keen to use his drawing powers for good, I asked him to write a guide to life in his head in "What Sky Wants You to Know about ASD." My ulterior motive, of course, was for him to figure out a way to talk to his teacher about the stuff that gets in his way at school, and the comic turned out to be good for that, too.

"Torn" was my favorite post this go around. In it, I use some of Sky's pictures to symbolize the challenges of life with a kid who has ASD and who melts down excessively at times. A related post: "Top 10 Sky Meltdown Triggers" looks at the same topic with a tad less poignancy and a tad more humor, at least as much humor as one can muster when one's kid keeps having meltdowns.

Over the past few weeks, Stow figured out devilish new ways to get into trouble once he discovered he could climb up and over our child proofing. You can read about it in "The Death-defying Feats of a Twenty-month Old." I know I should've been ready for this, but I wasn't. You'll be surprised by how much mayhem one so small can cause. He totally has a future on All State commercials. For a brief shining moment earlier this week, I thought we'd found the solution (see "Perfect Imperfect Solutions"), but then Stow out-smarted our workaround.

And, finally, sometimes I just need to write about nothing. In "In Which Nothing Really Happens at All" nothing really happened. And. It. Was. Awesome. Perhaps even unprecedented! I also wrote about nothing in "Pink P for Pope" but it has the most awesome picture of the Sistine Chapel you will ever see. I promise. More awesome pictures in "NORAD Constance Tracker." Still no word from the whale. I think Sky and Pink have forgotten, but I never will. And neither should you.

Never forget Constance, people. Never.

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