Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

Yes, I know I'm a day late, but yesterday was Easter, and I know at least some of you would have given me a hard time for taking time away from my family to post.

I'll deal with the most pressing question first. Pink P wore the shiny pink dress. Did you think she'd choose the flower one? Really? You should all know by now that Pink P will always and forever do the opposite of what I want her to do, at least when it comes to fashion.

The next pressing question, I know, is whether we had any Easter basket-related meltdowns to rival the Valentine's day meltdown.  We did not. Of course, this time I managed to get each kid exactly what I knew he or she would like, so there's that. I also put no candy in their baskets, so double score for me!

Operation Easter Bunny: Sky wrote two notes and Pink make the puzzle and drew a picture of the puzzle

Sky was amazed that the Easter Bunny answered his question but more importantly that EB carried his own pencil
What I'm telling you, basically, is that Easter seemed to go off without a hitch.

I managed to remember to make something gluten and dairy free for the kids while also remembering to go grocery shopping for all the ingredients for the egg casserole I planned to make for the adults. This might not sound like much, but I am not known for my homemaking skills, so I'm gonna pat myself on the back just the same.

The kids managed to be pretty well-behaved at church, though I will never understand why they have them all come to the front and face the congregation for the children's sermon. Nor will I comprehend why they also have the nursery attendants bring in all the tiny ones to listen. To my kids' credit, despite the larger than usual crowd, they managed to keep their mouths shut this Sunday (unlike some Sundays when Sky says outlandish things which then reverberate through the sanctuary after he yells them into the microphone). Granted, Pink P started choking on a mint and had to be taken out for water, Stow kept trying to dip his hand into the baptismal (if he grows a couple of more inches, we're in trouble), and Sky kept standing up and swaying as he stared at the lighted candles. So, they weren't inconspicuous but they were quiet, so let me just pretend it went awesome, okay?

The best thing about Easter this year? After we had Easter lunch with my parents, they took Pink and Sky with them to their house for a couple of days. Score! Of course, we still have Stow, so there will be no candlelit dinners for us (Who am I kidding? We all know Ren is about as romantic as a rock and that his idea of an expensive meal is take-out sushi), but I did get to watch some basketball while Stow played contently with his new train and ducks.  AND NO ONE SCREAMED OR HIT ANYONE.

Happy Easter, indeed! (Thanks Mom and Dad!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What did the Easter bunny say on Sky's letter?