Sunday, June 11, 2023

Umm, hi.

Tap, tap, tap…..umm, hello? Can anyone hear me? Hi. It’s me, Moe. And I’m back. 

Let’s see. Where should I start? I guess first I should tell you where I’ve been. My depression got worse. And things with the kids got more difficult (which, honestly, I didn’t think was possible). The book I’d been writing came out. (It’s an academic book about a samurai and history in popular culture.) Then my dad got sick. And then he got sicker, and then we lost him a few months ago. After that, I wasn’t sure how to keep going, but I did thanks to support from family and friends. And now my meds are straightened out, and I feel like I can do things again. I’m starting to work on a second book, and I think I might even be able to blog. 

If you’re still here, thank you. 

What else? Sky graduated and is getting ready to go to college!! Pink/Falcon just finished her first year of high school and is still drawing and writing. And Stow is in middle school (!!!). He’s taller than me now. In fact, they all are (but don’t tell Falcon I admitted that). And, Ren? Well Ren continues to amaze me with his fortitude. The man is still more active and flexible than me despite the fact he has a titanium rod from the base of his neck to his tail bone. He’s four years out from the last surgery and starting to have issues again, but we’re hoping they will work themselves out. 

If I can figure out where to dive in, I’ll post again soon! Hope you are all well. 

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