Friday, January 11, 2013

You Know This is Just Enough to Jinx Us, Right?

Do you know what this is? It's one of Sky's daily behavior logs. And, do you you know why it's ah-may-zing?

Yes, that's right. Nothing is circled.

Sky didn't have to write his name in the book. This in and of itself is not such a big deal. What's big is the fact that it's the fifth straight day that Sky has had nothing to write home about. That's unprecedented.

Typically, Sky can put together one or two good days before his disruptive and slightly dangerous impulsive, proprioceptive-seeking behaviors (i.e. crashing into his friends)take over. It's not that every day is bad; it's just that he usually needs to be reminded, redirected, and asked to write his name in the book.

But ever since winter break ended, Sky has managed to keep it together. In fact, the only trouble he's had centered on a certain recess cursing incident (link).

Like I said, amazing.

It could be an incredible coincidence, or it could the fact that we went gluten-free just before Christmas. It's too early to tell. Maybe there's something going on with the moon, maybe it's the vibrating pencil (link), or maybe his new Kindle Fire is just the motivating factor he needed. I'm happy enough not to know what exactly has led to this positive streak,** but I would like it to continue, oh you know, like, forever.

** Good for you! You should always read the fine print. It's not entirely true that I don't care what caused the sudden change in school-time behavior. I mean, gluten-free stuff is expensive, hard to find, and labor intensive, so if it happens not to be the gluten, I'd kinda like to know because it sure would save me some time and money.


Mama Melch said...

Here's hoping that it was the Kindle Fire!

Mom on the Edge said...

Actually, what I really hope for is a fairy godmother whose specialty is making healthy GF, CF meals appear at the appropriate times. Is that so much to ask?

kailiia said...

As some one with Celiac disease (who regularly makes vegan GF meals) - it does get better/faster/easier with more practice (I'm about 8 months in and it now seems "normal"). The cost is always a factor though - in Canada I can claim the difference in costs between GF and gluten-containing products as a medical expense; if you think it's the gluten consider asking Sky's GP for a letter saying he should be GF and then you may be able to do the same. It extra work for sure but at least then, after the first year you aren't out any extra money in theory.

Mom on the Edge said...

Our doc told us about this, too, so I'm on it. Thanks for the encouragement re. "it gets easier." Right now it's a huge hassle. Fortunately, we eat a lot of rice anyway, so I guess it could be worse...

Mama D said...

May it continue, no matter why it's happening!! And may you not have jinxed it by commenting. ;)

Mom on the Edge said...

Aaand, today was day 6... So maybe I didn't jinx myself! Alas, Pink P's trying to fill in the gap. Goodness!

FMBMC said...

Yea! Go Sky!

Anonymous said...

If you find one, could you ask her to adopt me, too? We've turned into carnivores with a slow-cooker fetish....