Monday, January 7, 2013

"So, Are You New Here?" (Or "Do You Come Here Often?" Or maybe, "Hey, Baby What's Your Sign?")

Sleazy, out-dated pick-up lines aside, it's nice to see all the new faces. Welcome! And since I know it can be a bear to back track through all the old posts, here's a quick guide to Mom In Two Cultures. Each of the titles should link to the related post. Of course, I want you to read everything I've ever written, but these should get you started.

If you want to read about our life with autism spectrum disorder (aka ASD), the following posts are either my favorites or crowd favorites and sometimes even both:

* How to Write a Social Story
* My Two Cents
* Top Ten Lessons for a New ASD Mom
* Accidental Advocate, Redux
* Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back--or--Schoolhouse Blues
* The Vagaries of Language
A Day in the Life

If you're more interested in our Japanese-American life, start with these:

* My Secret Life as a Japanese Housewife
* Mommy Training
* Diet Coke is Bad for Us
* Why My Kid Doesn't Know his Nursery Rhymes and Yours Does
* The Unexpected Go-Between
* Learning to Drive, Part 1
* Take Off Your Shoes for Goodness Sakes
* The Less Glamorous Side of Our So-Called International Life
* Top Ten Signs You'll Never be a Japanese Housewife

If random musings and poor parenting advice is your thing, start with these:

* A Christmas Story
* The Family Portrait
* I Know that Somehow I Will be Held Personally Responsible
* What's Your Super Power?
* Phalluses and Other Inappropriate Symbolism
* The Conversations We Have at Our House
* How I Met Ren
* Before 6 AM
* The Birthday Party, Part 1

Glad you're here and hope you have fun.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mom on the Edge! I’m one of your new readers. I stumbled upon your blog a while back and was immediately hooked. I enjoyed going back and reading some of your older posts - especially the stories about how you met Ren. I was a JET in a rural, mountainous, tiny village in Kyushu, too. I met and married my Japanese husband in grad school after I returned to the states. We don’t have any children (yet). But, I am growing curious about what it would be like to be a mom in two cultures. I also spent some time as a teacher’s aide in a public school autistic education program. So, I am familiar with a lot of the things you write about Sky. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Yoroshiku~!


Sandra Timmerman said...

Hi, I was linked to your site via a comment on Amalah's site. I am dutch living in the Netherlands.
You might say that life with 2 autistic boys is also living in 2 cultures as the way to interact with them is so much different... When talking to them I have to be short,direct and resolute. Not leaving space open for interpretation.. As commented before I love reading your stories about life as you go through, and it is kind of comforting as well. Keep up youre doing fine! :-)

icansaymama said...

Thanks for the link-up for new readers like me! I already read some of your older posts and will read some more!

Mom on the Edge said...

Sandra, I completely agree, hence the name of the blog. I sometimes feel like the cultural difference between ASD and neurotypical is greater than the one between Japan and America. And, I guess that's probably because people expect our ASD kids to comprehend and assimilate and are unable to make room for their "difference."

Mom on the Edge said...

Thanks for reading! Hope my posts are helpful. They can be pretty random but if you track back using the labels, they might make some kind of sense together (then again, maybe they won't :) ).

I do miss Kyushu!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've read your blog for a while (not one to post anything). I was originally drawn here due to your mixed marriage as I'm a white Canadian dating a Chinese man. So I found it intriguing how you mixed the 2 cultures (and the trials and tribulations that go with it). Though once I started reading all your posts and the ones about your children and Sky being on the spectrum I was even more fascinated because I never knew much about Autism before and now I've learned so much about it from your blog! I have always had great respect for people who raise children with any disability or developmental delay. Now I know more about it. I look forward to your posts and reading about your life that is definitely never boring!